Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer is ending...

...and I'm not ready! What happened to the dance classes I wanted? or the painting class? I've only managed to repaint my kitchen and make some really awful art. The good news? I get every summer off forever and ever. ^_^ 

"Really Awful Art"

                                           Thoughts for the day:

"Beach" day

If you have friends, then you have something to do! 

Times goes by so fast that there isn't anytime to be sad.

Make things; it can make you happy.

I've started another project. It's a table that my friend and I found at Salvation Army for $7. I'm not sure what colors its going to be yet, but I'm looking for a good book to tear pages out of to decoupage. 

I'll put pictures up when it's all done. 

The boys had a great concert Sat. Honest Thieves is their name and they played at The Dover Brick House with a band called Red Sky Mary. They sounded amazing. I was so proud. 

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