Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thought of the Day

     As far as my chick-flicky life goes, there are weddings everywhere! I find that I can still be a part of the movie and it isn't quite the "fade to black" age of my life, it's just a different movie! The "Warring couple finds love" movie is over and now I am starring in the coming of age movie where my friends are all settling down with no place to go and I'm stuck in work and real life without a husband.

Our Friends' Engagement Photo!
    Ian (my perfect boyfriend) and I introduced one of my best friends to the guitar player in one of Ian's bands. It was love at first sight and within six months they were engaged. It really is a beautiful story that I am  so grateful to be apart of. I do have a problem though. Ian is not really into the getting married thing yet. Isn't that what we assume happens after the NYC kiss and the credit roll? They get married! Sometimes we even had a wedding montage at the end! Yes...yes we do!
What our engagement photo might look like

Here is the math for our relationship

Dating from 2005-2012(present) = 7 years - 1 year apart = 6 years together = 72 Months

Here is the math for a our friends' relationship

Dating from August 2011 - November 2012 = 15 Months...period.

   Just saying. He will get there, right Ian. ;-)

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