Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I knew it...

     Well as I guessed, my life was crazy busy from the end of winter break until summer break. I didn't write a single blog (which is fine because no one is reading it anyways) but I made it through my first year teaching. Let me tell you a few things about my year (without mentioning names because that is illegal).

     I teach 6th grade general music and it rocks! ...sometimes. I had kids going through dating drama at age 11, kids conquering stage-fright, kids finding that they really like good music and kids crying because their dad was going to jail again. I made friends and I found that, at age 11, a teacher that makes you feel loved and important can be a huge part of growing up.

     I teach high school band and chorus and it makes me cool. I have a high school fan group that will be with me until I'm a little old lady baking cookies for the kids on my block. They have made me feel so at home and slightly more confident in what we are trying to accomplish as a music department. I am the only music teacher in the middle-high school, so we have to work together as teacher and students to make the magic happen.

     My chorus made HUGE strides (I was trained as a vocal teacher but I teach band as well) and are now understanding that singing in a chorus takes a lot more than a good voice. My band is something. I have 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 1 alto sax, 1 electric guitar, 1 electric bass, and 2 percussionists. I'm scared to death of what we are going to sound like this year. I am arranging pieces myself for us to play, but I'm still not confident in my abilities to lead them.

   I am proud to be a teacher. School starts in 3 weeks and I am getting ready to meet it head on with as much enthusiasm as I can muster!

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