Monday, December 26, 2011

Starting Off

My life feels like the end of a movie and I have no idea where it's going from here. I am at the credits or the "Happily Ever After" part and I'm only 24! You see, the problem is that I've based most of my life off  of what I've seen on the screen and now there is no guide line. No dialog. No exciting plot development. All I've got is credits, which sounds great and it IS great, but also quite scary.  Allow me to explain...

I met my wonderful, perfect boyfriend at the age of 16. We started dating in high school and everyone thought we'd be done by the time second semester of college rolled around - We weren't. We lasted 4 1/2 years until he hit a early life crisis and dumped me for an amazonian, bleach blond with an inferiority complex and I started dating a busser from my work...followed by the guitarist from his band...ouch. After a few months, he realized his mistake and I realized mine. It took awhile for him to gain my trust again, but we are now together and convinced that we are indeed "Soul Mates" if such a thing exists. I have a job teaching music to 6th-12th graders, which has been my goal since I was 15 and I just got a cat. My life is the end of a movie (A movie that will be written someday...mark my words).

Now, it's the day after Christmas - my favorite time of the year! I want to start this blog to remember what "The year I had everything" was really like. I want to chronicle what happens in a chick flick after the warring couple finally find each other again and kiss on the NY City street corner. Ian and I are so happy and I feel like Meg Ryan or Amy Adams. This is an experiment to find out if a chick flick can be made of a stable relationship (the only one I've seen that has has been Julie and Julia). I think it can be done.

I'm a super busy teacher (50+ hours a week) but I will do my best. For hope!


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