Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nearly November

School started. Can you tell? I haven't had a moment to myself for a long while.

Things started off well, then got crazy! We are doing The Wizard of Oz and just cast lots and lots of amazing young actors and actresses. I can't wait to start!

As far as the whole Life this goes. Jon and Jess are getting married in a few weeks! I'm excited. I'm getting my dress on Wednesday and Jess is getting her final fitting, but you don't care about any of that.

Thought of the Day: If you life is so amazing that it's almost like a movie ending, is it actually too good to be true? Is something truly terrible about to happen and I will never be this happy again? I'm so so in love and now have a little secret that I can't write down. ^_^ AND I really do love my job, even if it is amazingly stressful. My family is perfect and healthy. My friends are incredible and love me. What is wrong with my life? Will it last? Here hoping for a life time of this!

I planned my first real party recently. Jess' Bachelorette! It was wonderful.

 We went apple picking then back to Alex's house for a home made, delicious, gluten-free dinner. ^_^ 
Games and presents followed.

My amazing cousin, Eil, married the beautiful Miss Megan and they are now living happily ever after. 

I took a few pictures of the wedding. They did an amazing job. I am so happy for them both.

Other than that. It's been a nice fall. Our 6 year anniversary is coming up soon. We are going to the zoo! I've never been!

That's all for now. I'm going to make a rug out of some old clothes. OH! The table came out so so well! I'll have to take a few picture. It has music notes all over the top. So cute!

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