Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Turkey Bowl

So there is this tradition in Winchendon that we play Narragansett everything Thanksgiving day at 10am... and the band plays. So last Thanksgiving and this one, I'll be spending with my kiddies in the cold on a football field.

It's not so bad really. It's better than doing nothing, I suppose.

This year, I will be there with my beautiful red eye. My students called it Tomato Eye today. It's more descriptive than Pink Eye, I think.
Two of my kiddies. ^_^

All I'd like to say today is, I am thankful that I have time off this week to recover without anyone getting mad at me.

I am Thankful.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pink Eye Thanksgiving

I am thankful for the fact my pink eye doesn't itch. 

The Evil-Eye
I woke up yesterday with a red, yucky left eye. I was sent home from school at 11am after the school nurse told me that I had pink eye. No good! 

They told me to stay away from 24 hours. I'm glad that I have the time off, but I don't like this whole looking like I was in a fight thing.

Moral: Don't TOUCH your eyes!

This weekend was Jon and Jess' wedding! It was perfect. It went off without a hitch. Well planned, Jess. ^_^ 

It made me realize that I wanted a real wedding, but NOT a fancy wedding. Too much money and planning and compromises. It's romantic to be married in your parent's backyard, but it's not a ceremony. I'd like something slightly formal, like Jon and Jess' and slightly like a big party, like Sam and Alex's.

I'll leave it up to Ian to get the right balance.

Black tea and honey rinse in my eye worked quite well! Try it! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nearly November

School started. Can you tell? I haven't had a moment to myself for a long while.

Things started off well, then got crazy! We are doing The Wizard of Oz and just cast lots and lots of amazing young actors and actresses. I can't wait to start!

As far as the whole Life this goes. Jon and Jess are getting married in a few weeks! I'm excited. I'm getting my dress on Wednesday and Jess is getting her final fitting, but you don't care about any of that.

Thought of the Day: If you life is so amazing that it's almost like a movie ending, is it actually too good to be true? Is something truly terrible about to happen and I will never be this happy again? I'm so so in love and now have a little secret that I can't write down. ^_^ AND I really do love my job, even if it is amazingly stressful. My family is perfect and healthy. My friends are incredible and love me. What is wrong with my life? Will it last? Here hoping for a life time of this!

I planned my first real party recently. Jess' Bachelorette! It was wonderful.

 We went apple picking then back to Alex's house for a home made, delicious, gluten-free dinner. ^_^ 
Games and presents followed.

My amazing cousin, Eil, married the beautiful Miss Megan and they are now living happily ever after. 

I took a few pictures of the wedding. They did an amazing job. I am so happy for them both.

Other than that. It's been a nice fall. Our 6 year anniversary is coming up soon. We are going to the zoo! I've never been!

That's all for now. I'm going to make a rug out of some old clothes. OH! The table came out so so well! I'll have to take a few picture. It has music notes all over the top. So cute!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer is ending...

...and I'm not ready! What happened to the dance classes I wanted? or the painting class? I've only managed to repaint my kitchen and make some really awful art. The good news? I get every summer off forever and ever. ^_^ 

"Really Awful Art"

                                           Thoughts for the day:

"Beach" day

If you have friends, then you have something to do! 

Times goes by so fast that there isn't anytime to be sad.

Make things; it can make you happy.

I've started another project. It's a table that my friend and I found at Salvation Army for $7. I'm not sure what colors its going to be yet, but I'm looking for a good book to tear pages out of to decoupage. 

I'll put pictures up when it's all done. 

The boys had a great concert Sat. Honest Thieves is their name and they played at The Dover Brick House with a band called Red Sky Mary. They sounded amazing. I was so proud. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Just Paid the Rent

     Each month I pay $441 to a lady I never see for this lovely apartment. I really do love this place and my roommates, Sean and Nic, but I've put so much work into this place and I'll be leaving in May (maybe).

     This summer, I decided to repaint the kitchen. It was AWFUL in brown, white and black. Now is it less awful in cranberry and cream. I still feel like there is something about owning your own home though.

     Our apartment is cozy and we aren't responsible for the up keep (painting, insulating etc.), but I really would love a place of my own that Ian and I can transform into a home together.

Just a thought.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thought of the Day

     As far as my chick-flicky life goes, there are weddings everywhere! I find that I can still be a part of the movie and it isn't quite the "fade to black" age of my life, it's just a different movie! The "Warring couple finds love" movie is over and now I am starring in the coming of age movie where my friends are all settling down with no place to go and I'm stuck in work and real life without a husband.

Our Friends' Engagement Photo!
    Ian (my perfect boyfriend) and I introduced one of my best friends to the guitar player in one of Ian's bands. It was love at first sight and within six months they were engaged. It really is a beautiful story that I am  so grateful to be apart of. I do have a problem though. Ian is not really into the getting married thing yet. Isn't that what we assume happens after the NYC kiss and the credit roll? They get married! Sometimes we even had a wedding montage at the end! Yes...yes we do!
What our engagement photo might look like

Here is the math for our relationship

Dating from 2005-2012(present) = 7 years - 1 year apart = 6 years together = 72 Months

Here is the math for a our friends' relationship

Dating from August 2011 - November 2012 = 15 Months...period.

   Just saying. He will get there, right Ian. ;-)

I knew it...

     Well as I guessed, my life was crazy busy from the end of winter break until summer break. I didn't write a single blog (which is fine because no one is reading it anyways) but I made it through my first year teaching. Let me tell you a few things about my year (without mentioning names because that is illegal).

     I teach 6th grade general music and it rocks! ...sometimes. I had kids going through dating drama at age 11, kids conquering stage-fright, kids finding that they really like good music and kids crying because their dad was going to jail again. I made friends and I found that, at age 11, a teacher that makes you feel loved and important can be a huge part of growing up.

     I teach high school band and chorus and it makes me cool. I have a high school fan group that will be with me until I'm a little old lady baking cookies for the kids on my block. They have made me feel so at home and slightly more confident in what we are trying to accomplish as a music department. I am the only music teacher in the middle-high school, so we have to work together as teacher and students to make the magic happen.

     My chorus made HUGE strides (I was trained as a vocal teacher but I teach band as well) and are now understanding that singing in a chorus takes a lot more than a good voice. My band is something. I have 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 1 alto sax, 1 electric guitar, 1 electric bass, and 2 percussionists. I'm scared to death of what we are going to sound like this year. I am arranging pieces myself for us to play, but I'm still not confident in my abilities to lead them.

   I am proud to be a teacher. School starts in 3 weeks and I am getting ready to meet it head on with as much enthusiasm as I can muster!