Monday, July 20, 2015

New Home/New Living

Sooo.... It's July of 2015. It's been about 2 1/2 years since I last posted. Where do people find time for this stuff?!?

Ian and I were married Aug. 3rd 2013 on a beautiful overcast summer day in my parents' backyard. ^_^ We had the perfect ceremony and left immediately for our honeymoon in Montreal. It was perfect. Perfect. Perfect.
We stayed in a little apartment for 5 days in the Gay Village right near St. Catherine's St. So beautiful and so fun. We had good food, went to every tourist attraction and even got kicked out of a large, well known music festival. Perfect.

The reason I'm back blogging is because we just bought a house! We did! It's a cute little 1940s barn style place with a back yard and gardens! ...I have no idea what I'm doing! So, I thought (for my own sake) that I would keep track of some of the things I have been doing (Cleaning/cooking/saving/gardening) so that, in the future, I can look back and see what worked and what didn't. I don't think anyone else will read this...except maybe for the recipes.

I hope I can look back on this and remember. ^_^
Our lovely living room!

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