Thursday, July 23, 2015

Curried Lentil Bugers

Hello hello!

We just had some delicious lentil bugers tonight. It's something that I certainly want to make again, but certainly won't remember how. So here is my super easy recipe.

Sauté 1/2 an Onion, 1/2 Green Pepper, about a teaspoon of fresh Ginger, a dash of Cheyenne Pepper, and some crushed Coriander Seeds.
In the meantime, cook about a 1/2 cup of Rice with Chicken Bouillon and 1/2 a Tomato.
In a bowl, combine about a cup of Cooked Lentils, 1 Egg, Cumin, Smoked Paprika, Tumeric, Chinese  5 Spice, Chicken Bouillon and Garlic Powder.
Once the onion mixture is cooled a bit, add it to the lentils.
Add more oil to the sauté pan. Form the lentil mixture into small balls and add to the hot pan. Flip when browned on one side. Cook all the way through (about 15 mins)
Serve with rice and sour cream (if you like sour cream)

Yum yum yum!
I stole this picture too. 

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