Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fairy Tale Time

If I ever want this is amount to anything, I'm going to have to be more consistent! I'm sorry to anyone who happened across this page. I think it would be great fun to be a blogger, but as I cannot yet keep myself constrained to one book at a time, I very much doubt that I can be trusted to write a blog.

In most recent news, I've started watching Dr. Who starting with 9. I'm in love...well, more obsessed. I'm a creep.

Also, I've been listening to Jane Austen's Emma, on audiobook. I like it more than I care to admit. I love the language and I love that the things that concern them the most are the silly things that concern us today! Who is dating who, what so-and-so wore to the party. It's great and it's said in such pretty and frivolous ways that can help remind me not to get caught up in it in my own life.

The biggest and most wonderful thing that's happened is... Ian asked me to marry him!! I know! It happened!

He asked me on December 8th, my birthday. HE made me the most amazing breakfast and sang me a "Will you Marry Me" song in bed. I wish I had a recording. It was so perfect. I cried. He cried. I almost didn't get to say "yes" because it was so obvious that I was so happy. I took the time and told him "Yes, yes I will marry you."

We told all our family. We were planning on going to the MFA that day, for my birthday, but after all the phone calls, we didn't have time. Haha! We went to a museum in Brattleboro, VT then out to dinner at Fireworks. So wonderful!

Ian's here for dinner, so I gotta go!

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