Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Turkey Bowl

So there is this tradition in Winchendon that we play Narragansett everything Thanksgiving day at 10am... and the band plays. So last Thanksgiving and this one, I'll be spending with my kiddies in the cold on a football field.

It's not so bad really. It's better than doing nothing, I suppose.

This year, I will be there with my beautiful red eye. My students called it Tomato Eye today. It's more descriptive than Pink Eye, I think.
Two of my kiddies. ^_^

All I'd like to say today is, I am thankful that I have time off this week to recover without anyone getting mad at me.

I am Thankful.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pink Eye Thanksgiving

I am thankful for the fact my pink eye doesn't itch. 

The Evil-Eye
I woke up yesterday with a red, yucky left eye. I was sent home from school at 11am after the school nurse told me that I had pink eye. No good! 

They told me to stay away from 24 hours. I'm glad that I have the time off, but I don't like this whole looking like I was in a fight thing.

Moral: Don't TOUCH your eyes!

This weekend was Jon and Jess' wedding! It was perfect. It went off without a hitch. Well planned, Jess. ^_^ 

It made me realize that I wanted a real wedding, but NOT a fancy wedding. Too much money and planning and compromises. It's romantic to be married in your parent's backyard, but it's not a ceremony. I'd like something slightly formal, like Jon and Jess' and slightly like a big party, like Sam and Alex's.

I'll leave it up to Ian to get the right balance.

Black tea and honey rinse in my eye worked quite well! Try it!